Jedit setup line endings
Jedit setup line endings

jedit setup line endings

The list of programming and scripting languages includes more than 200 entries. jEdit provides sophisticated syntax highlighting and other features. Since starting life 17 years ago as a simple editor, jEdit has grown into a powerful development environment. The small project frequently releases new versions with additional features and functions. If you speak CSS, you can modify the wiki design to suit your own needs in the template.css file.Ĥ Stars -Mobiki is lean, easy to set up, and looks good on mobile devices. In the config.php file, you can modify the title and description of the wiki and enter the name of the author, a character set, and the time format.

#Jedit setup line endings software#

The software stores all content as text files in the pages subdirectory.

jedit setup line endings

The developers have also given their wiki a keyword search via hashtags. To embed images, upload them to your server, store them in the images directory, and link from the wiki with the image.jpg statement. In addition to the usual formatting (bold and italic), Mobiki supports internal and external links, lists, bulleted lists, and preformatted text. The markup is quite intuitive, and the default template is clear-cut and HTML 5-compliant. After unpacking the archive, users assign a password – done. The tool requires a web server and at least PHP 5.4. If you are looking for lean wiki engine that is also suitable for use with mobile devices, take a closer look at Mobiki.

Jedit setup line endings